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Faith for Life

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Catholic-Formation is about "Life-Long Formation." It is an understanding that Catholic formation is more than religious education. Catholic formation is how a person lives and grows in Faith. Catholic formation happens from birth and doesn't end until our death (in this world). Good Catholic formation can help an individual become the person that God envisioned.

Home: Who We Are

“Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.”

― Mother Teresa

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Why This Site? was founded in August of 2020. The website began as my (Larry Cubalchini) vision of Catholic Faith Formation. It is a tool to help me find a way to put my skills as a Catholic Faith Formation Director at a new parish or organization. The site helps Catholic Pastors get to know the idea of life-long formation.

Faith for Life

In the future, Catholic-Formation will become both a resource and community for people interested in the Catholic Faith. We intend to become an online community of believers who can share our ideas and our faith. 

We look to add additional content in the near future.

Home: About Us

Larry Cubalchini

Director of

Working in Catholic Faith Formation is a third (and final) career for Larry Cubalchini. Previously Larry worked in the corporate world in management and training. He also owned several small businesses in the 1990s. In 1995 a business associate challenged Larry's Catholic faith. Up until this point in life, he was not very active in his Catholic faith.  The challenge was a wake-up call, and Larry became very active in his local parish. Besides helping at the Sunday Mass, he became involved in stewardship and adult faith formation. After many years of being a volunteer staff member at a parish and board member at a small outreach ministry, Larry took his first paid staff position as the Director of Religious Education at a Catholic parish in Chicago in 2012.

Faith for Life

Faith formation for all ages has become his passion.

More information can be found below in the resume section.

Home: About Us

Faith for Life

We Learn, and We Do!

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Now Is A Great Time

Grow In Faith

Faith formation happens over a lifetime. It is not something we only learn in grade school. Often people equate Catholic faith formation with children that are preparing for the sacraments. It is much more than preparing for the sacraments; however, sacrament preparation is essential. Good Catholic formation happens at any time. 

Now is a great time to deepen your relationship with God.

Christ In The Center

Logo and Values

Our logo represents our values. The cross is in the center of the logo; it represents Christ. Jesus is at the center of all we do. Around the cross are people of every color; the Church is a diverse community with people from all nations and races. The people all have big hearts; Jesus calls his Church to serve others, especially the poor. The entire logo looks like a beautiful flower; it is a representation of God's beautiful creation.

Connecting With Community

You Are Welcome Here

Catholic formation happens in a community. It starts with hospitality. We want to welcome others who are searching for Christ. The Catholic parish is the local community of believers. While we find it essential to have a relationship with God, we also know we need community. Helping individuals and families to connect with the broader community is vital to Catholic formation.

Volunteers Serving Food
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The Great Comandment

Matthew 22:37-39

“You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment. The second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself."


Each of Us Can Give Back

Stewardship demands that each of us work to make our world a better place. Our call is not to maintain but to improve our community. Each of us has gifts to share with others.

We understand that everything we have is a gift from God.

Get Involved

Service / Faith In Action

Imagine a world where every Christian person gave at least an hour a week in service to others. We would not change a community or country; we would change the world.

God is calling you to take action and live your faith.

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Subjects to Ponder

Children's Formation

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It Starts at Home

Parents Need to be Involved

Effective faith formation of children requires the family to be involved. The parish religious education classes are one element of your child's education in the faith. Children must attend Sunday Mass with their families each week. Catholic families that practice their faith know that Catholic faith formation begins at home.

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"Social justice cannot be attained by violence. Violence kills what it intends to create."

Saint John Paul II

Home: Quote


Larry Cubalchini

Director of Faith Formation

September 2012 - August 2020

St. Tarcissus Catholic Church, Chicago, IL                                                             

  • Direct supervision of 20 catechists and aides in teaching more than 100 students from kindergarten to 8th grade

  • Coordinate Sacrament Programs of the Parish

  • Coordinate Children’s Liturgy of the Word

  • Certified VIRTUS Facilitator (Protecting God’s Children for Adults)

Director of Formation

September 2018 - May 2020

Pope Francis Global Academy, Chicago                                                               

  • Coordinate the Weekly School Mass at Pope Francis Global Academy – North Campus

  • Religion Curriculum Resource

  • Coordinate School Service Activities

  • Coordinate Catholic Identity Team

Director of Spiritual Life

October 2009 - October 2014

AGLO Chicago

  • Planned Spiritual Opportunities for Members

  • Developed a curriculum for Ministers of Care Training

  • Developed a Career Resource Ministry

  • Coordinated the AGLO organization’s Annual Weekend Retreat

RCIA Director

July 2003 - July 2008

St. Mary Parish, DeKalb, IL

  • Directed a team of 6 adults to lead adult formation

  • Implemented a two-year RCIA formation program for Adults

Home: CV

Coming Soon

Information On Other Topics

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Youth and Young Adult Ministry

Coming Soon

VIRTUS Training

Coming Soon

Catechist Retreats

Coming Soon


Coming Soon

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